Exam preparations are conducted by our most experienced skippers who are all fully qualified Yachtmaster Offshore Instructors.
During this 5 day prep your instructor will assess your ability and coach you in all the disciplines required to pass.
You will take command of the yacht on passages by day and night and practice boat handling techniques under power and sail.
Examiners expect a high standard of Man Overboard Recovery so those drills are practiced intensively throughout the week.
Other subjects covered include passage planning and weather, preparation and safety at sea, maintenance, navigation, pilotage, knowledge of the International Collision Regulations and "blind" navigation.
At the end of each day your instructor will give you a debrief and leave you feeling confident in your ability.
Normally you will have been sailing with fellow candidates for 5 days and you will have a solid understanding of your yacht and crew before the arrival of an examiner on Friday night.
Each student is examined as they skipper the yacht on short passages and complete various demonstrations of skippering techniques.
All our instructors have been through these exams themselves and will therefore do whatever they can to prepare you for your exams so that you are relaxed and confident on the day.
This preparation includes all tuition for the 5 day week prep, diesel and harbour fees, all food and drink consumed on board and the costs for the weekend exam which is conducted on the boat.
Please note that the candidate is required to pay the exam fee directly to the RYA prior to the examination. This additional cost is at present £231,-
Course Content
- Revision of advanced skippering techniques
- Close quarters handling under power and sail
- Man Overboard recovery
- Navigation & pilotage by day & night
- Overall yacht management skills
Ability After Course
- Become a Master of Yachts skipper on vessels up to 24 metres
- 40 miles from a safe haven.
Assumed Knowledge
Restricted VHF radio operators certificate, valid first aid certificate. 30 days onboard, 2 days as a skipper, 12 night hours, 800 miles logged. Half the qualifying sea time must be conducted in tidal waters. All qualifying sea time must be within 10 yeas prior to the exam